Los 2027
Mark Antony, 44-30 BC. Denarius (Silver, 17 mm, 3.61 g, 11 h), military mint moving with Mark Antony (Patrae?), 32-31. ANT•AVG - III VIR•R•P•C Galley right, with scepter tied with fillet on prow. Rev. CHORTIS SPECVLATORVM Three standards decorated with wreaths and rostra. Babelon (Antonia) 103. Crawford 544/12. CRI 386. RBW 1837. Sydenham 1214. Bankers' marks, scratches, and an unusual graffito on the obverse, otherwise, nearly very fine.

From the collection of Roman Imperatorial coins of Martinus J. L. Janssen, ex Numismatica Ars Classica Spring Sale 2021, 10 May 2021, 1143, and from the Eton College Collection, Sotheby's, 1 December 1976, 448 (part of).

The 'Cohors Speculatorum' was a special army unit created by Antony, consisting of the so-called speculatores, men who served as spies, scouts, messengers, and explorers. Normally, each legion had ten such speculatores, but by forming a separate cohort, Antony had a cadre of such men at his direct disposal, no luxury in times of bitter civil strife. The function continued to exist under the Empire, where the speculatores served as messengers and bodyguards to Rome's emperors and generals. Curiously, the aquilae on the reverse of Antony's denarii are decorated with wreaths and prows. The latter in particular may refer to their task of manning the turrets on war galleys as lookouts.
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